Pascal, the great French philosopher and Christian, once said; “Nearly all the ills of life spring from this simple source: that we are not able to sit still in a room.” What did he mean? In our hurry-up, busy existence we never sit to consider what is around us? We speak the first thing that comes to our minds without considering the repercussions. We do what our flesh tells us without considering where these actions will take us. We never sit still in a room. Powerful words. Let them fall on you today. To sit still in a room is to let your life come into focus…to see what is real…to allow yourself to understand that you are not in control. To sit still in a room is to allow yourself to see the wonder and power of the One who created you and breathed His own breath into your lungs. For the Believer, it is to know and understand that we are in the palm of His hand. But we must sit still. What would happen if we thought before we spoke? What would happen if we counted the cost before we acted? What would happen if we began to sit still in a room? Today, nothing is more important than sitting with Him…stay there until you sense His peace. “Be still and know that I am God!” Psalm 46:10
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