Let me start this post by saying
you will not find a more patriotic person than me anywhere. I grew up as an Air Force brat! I still
get a lump in my throat when I see our flag and hear our national anthem. I am proud of the men and women who have
served or are serving our country to protect it from our enemies. My own daddy fought against Mussolini
in WWII and fought again in the Korean conflict. I understand the bravery needed. I have high school and
college friends who served in Viet Nam, Desert Storm and now in the Middle East. I honor each one and appreciate greatly
what each has done for freedom. I also have been to other countries where the
freedoms we enjoy are absent. I
understand what a great country we have BUT I serve Someone much higher and
more powerful than our country. He
is the One who set me free and asks only that I give Him the praise and worship
that He deserves.
This morning, Sunday, July 3rd,
there were celebrations of America all over this land. Many sang with gusto America the Beautiful and the Star Spangled Banner. Many pledged allegiance to our
flag. I too sat in a service
like this and while the love for my country tried to come forth I suddenly felt a conviction that in this place, God and God alone should be honored. He was being usurped by an allegiance
to the gift of freedom (the USA) but
not the Giver of freedom. There were tears in people’s eyes as
patriotic songs were sung and much applause for what we have accomplished as a
nation. My spirit grieved that He
seldom gets this kind of reaction when we sing of Him and what He has done.
Please understand, I did not grieve
because we were doing these things…they are appropriate things to do, but not during
the time and place devoted to worshiping God and God alone. We offer Him very little of our time as
it is, and this should have been a time to fall before Him thanking Him for His
freedom. Fall before Him repenting
for how we have forgotten Him.
Fall before Him trembling for the judgment that seems to be coming.
Yes, celebrate our heritage. But do
it on a Saturday night or even a Sunday night. But the one morning a week we have to corporately show our
Father how much He means to us should not be taken over by patting each other
on the back. After all, it was God
who gave us the victories. It was
God who gave us liberty. And it is
He who should be honored first and foremost.
Yes, I love our country. I also love the Saints and Mississippi
State football! I will cheer for
all of these things at the right and appropriate times…but on a Sunday morning,
in corporate worship, every cheer, every tear, every passion should be given to
the One who made all things possible.
Tomorrow, July 4th, I will wave my flag but today, it should have
been His banner…the banner of the cross…
Hmmmm pondering. We even said pledge but neglected Christian pledge.
We had the Christian flag up on the platform but only did the pledge to the US flag. Breaks my heart.
Well said, my friend.
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