Sunday, July 31, 2016

You Don't Get to Choose!

In reading II Kings, I can't help but see our nation.  The land had been divided: Israel and Judah.  Israel decided to follow the world and never repented and God allowed them to be taken over by the Assyrians.  They lost it all because they refused to obey God.  Judah was not far behind.  

Believer, obedience to God is not an option.  We don't get to choose what is right and wrong.  We in our minds think we can decide what God meant.  He doesn't need explaining!  If there is anything I know, it is that God was clear about the way we are to live and He didn't stutter!  

Today, are you being sanctified? Are you more like Jesus today than yesterday or are you more like the world around you?  It is a slippery slope. God has given us power to live rightly.  Romans 1:16-17 "I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes...For in the Gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last."  

We don't get to choose what we think is righteousness...God does!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Are You a Wise Guy?

There is a big difference between knowledge and wisdom. There is no doubt that our world today has more "book learning" than ever before yet we don't seem to know what to do with it. We lack wisdom. Wisdom is also being able to see a situation from an objective view point! In the prophetic book of Daniel, I read these words, "Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand but those who are wise will understand." Daniel 12: 9-10 We are seeing played out before our eyes what Daniel said thousands of years before. The wicked will continue to be wicked! They will not understand. Believers however, will have wisdom and see things as they really are...not with fear but with an understanding of God's purpose. Today, understand the things that are going on in our world are not a surprise to God. He knew all along what was going to happen...rejoice that you are among the redeemed.


One of the essentials for life to survive is water. Jesus spoke often of water and called Himself the living water. "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within Him." John 7: 37-38 Sometimes we get to a dry place in life and we wonder where is that water? If you have ever been in the desert you know how dry it is. Yet even there God provides water, one just has to search for it...inside the plants. I have read stories of people who survived by cutting open a cactus and receiving its life-saving moisture. If you are in that dry place right now, it is not the end. Yes, it is dry, arid, and you are very thirsty. But if you spend time really looking around you will find places within this desert where you will find life-saving blessings. They might be disguised by thorns but within there is water. Instead of despair you will find bits of hope and you will be refreshed. Today, look for God in the hidden will find the sweetest water.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Camp musings

Today is the 2nd day of Camp Nonahdeia! We are learning about the true vine and the branches. (John 15) Even though this scripture is familiar, I am reminded once again that I can do nothing good on my own! Jesus said twice in the first 4 verses: Remain in me! That word remain can also be, Abide. Stay. Attach. It is a strong word which means hold on tightly. Listen, you are going to hold on to something...let it be the True Vine! Today in your prayer, ask God to reveal to you what you are holding on to more than Him then have the courage to let it go while you attach once again to Him. It will change your life.

Monday, July 18, 2016

July 19 Diary entry

Charles Spurgeon once said that when a jeweler shows his best diamonds, he sets then against a black velvet backdrop. The contrast of the jewels against the dark velvet brings out the luster. In the same way, God does His most stunning work where things seem hopeless. Whereever there is pain, suffering and desperation, Jesus is. We must not give up. We must show Christ as our hope against a backdrop of darkness Today, view this darkness as a place where you can shine His light and when you do what better place is there for the brilliance of Christ to shine?

July 18th

I have a confession to make. I love to sew but since high school I have only bought patterns that did not require a zipper. In home ec. I could never put in a zipper and somehow in my mind, I thought I would never ever be able to. Yesterday, because of my grandson wanting a Ninja costume, (which required a zipper) I put one in. It was easy. My point? Often after a failure we tend to avoid things thinking we will never be able to do the task. What I had forgotten was that I had learned from my former mistake and had grown because of it. Don't miss out on the great things in life because of your past. God is there to move you forward into His purposes. My sewing world has opened to wonderful zippered outfits...oh what I have been missing. Does your world need opening up? Try something you fear and see what God will do!!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

July 17

Lots of things going on in the world! Have you noticed? It is easy to get distracted and even discouraged---maybe even afraid! My son reminds me often that this is not even close to how bad the world has been in the past. When I read OT history I know he is right. BUT the thing is, it is happening to ME and my time! What I need to do is do what others in those dangerous times did: Remember the LORD Your God! I was drawn to 2 verses from Psalm 9 this morning: 10 "Those who know Your name will trust in You, for You, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you." and then 15 "The nations have fallen into the pit they have dug; their feet are caught in the net they have hidden." In the same Psalm, David acknowledged that even when things are really bad, God is there and he will NEVER forsake those who seek Him. Today, what are you seeking? What are you focusing on? Write the words in verse 10 on a notecard and put them in your heart today. Our God is in control.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Diary entry July 16

Believers, my reading today was clear and convicting. I started not to write anything but God wouldn't let me ignore this Word: "How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him, but if Baal is God, follow him. But the people said nothing." 
I Kings 18:21 (Baal represents following the world's way of doing things.) John wrote something similar in the book of The Revelation to the church at Laodicea when God said that they were neither hot nor cold but lukewarm. God then said He would spew them from His mouth...this lukewarmness made Him sick. We are at a crossroad...either we follow the LORD or we don't. The telling part of the I Kings verse was, "and the people said nothing!" They did not want to commit either way. Today, make your decision. Joshua, when faced with this same situation said, "As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15

New Idea!

Each day on Facebook, I post a short devotional.  I am, starting today, going to post that same devotional thought on my blog so those who are not on Facebook can read it if they like.  I am starting with my post from yesterday.  Please post comments!

Sometimes the grief is over-whelming. Sometimes evil seems to be winning. What should we do? This is where the message of the Gospel gets hard folks. We have for so long basically have lived in ease and our faith has not been tested. We put on the Armor of God as Paul says in Ephesians 6...but then we don't do what he says in verse 18,"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints." Believer, be honest, are you talking to others about the situation in the world more than you are talking to God? Are you posting more on social media or writing in a journal your heart felt prayers? There is more to prayer than just saying, "we need to pray!" Jim Cymbala in his book, "Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire" says, "Am I the only one who gets embarrassed when religious leaders in America talk about having prayer in public schools? We don't have even that much prayer in many churches!" May I add, in our homes or in our personal lives. Today, quit talking about prayer to each alert and keep on actually praying!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

There Is a Time and Place!

Let me start this post by saying you will not find a more patriotic person than me anywhere.  I grew up as an Air Force brat! I still get a lump in my throat when I see our flag and hear our national anthem.  I am proud of the men and women who have served or are serving our country to protect it from our enemies.  My own daddy fought against Mussolini in WWII and fought again in the Korean conflict.  I understand the bravery needed. I have high school and college friends who served in Viet Nam, Desert Storm and now in the Middle East.  I honor each one and appreciate greatly what each has done for freedom. I also have been to other countries where the freedoms we enjoy are absent.  I understand what a great country we have BUT I serve Someone much higher and more powerful than our country.  He is the One who set me free and asks only that I give Him the praise and worship that He deserves. 

This morning, Sunday, July 3rd, there were celebrations of America all over this land. Many sang with gusto America the Beautiful and the Star Spangled Banner.  Many pledged allegiance to our flag.   I too sat in a service like this and while the love for my country tried to come forth  I suddenly felt a conviction that in this place, God and God alone should be honored.  He was being usurped by an allegiance to the gift of freedom (the USA) but not the Giver of freedom.  There were tears in people’s eyes as patriotic songs were sung and much applause for what we have accomplished as a nation.  My spirit grieved that He seldom gets this kind of reaction when we sing of Him and what He has done. 

Please understand, I did not grieve because we were doing these things…they are appropriate things to do, but not during the time and place devoted to worshiping God and God alone.  We offer Him very little of our time as it is, and this should have been a time to fall before Him thanking Him for His freedom.  Fall before Him repenting for how we have forgotten Him.  Fall before Him trembling for the judgment that seems to be coming.   

Yes, celebrate our heritage. But do it on a Saturday night or even a Sunday night.  But the one morning a week we have to corporately show our Father how much He means to us should not be taken over by patting each other on the back.  After all, it was God who gave us the victories.  It was God who gave us liberty.  And it is He who should be honored first and foremost. 

Yes, I love our country.  I also love the Saints and Mississippi State football!  I will cheer for all of these things at the right and appropriate times…but on a Sunday morning, in corporate worship, every cheer, every tear, every passion should be given to the One who made all things possible.  Tomorrow, July 4th, I will wave my flag but today, it should have been His banner…the banner of the cross…