Friday, May 1, 2009

You Are Invited...

It’s the time of year that our mailbox begins to fill with over-sized white envelopes with nicely written addresses from people who want us to share their special day whether it is a graduation or a wedding. We have moved quite a bit but when friends remember us and want us to share in their happiness…that is a good feeling. Being in invited makes us feel included…a part of something that is important. (At least for us women …most men would rather have a root-canal than go to these functions.)

I like getting invited but I also love to invite…I really, really, like people to come to my house. Each week I am like a child at the window watching for the precious women of our home Bible study to arrive. When I say, “Ya’ll come now, ya hear?” I mean it. Drop-by-company is my favorite! I can always get the coffee pot brewing and settle in for some good conversation!

But offering an invitation also opens the door for disappointment. This week an out-of-state friend I had often invited to my house was visiting the area and told me they were going to come to our home. I was excited! I kept the house neat and stocked up on refreshments just for their visit. Every day I waited but never heard from them and thought perhaps their plans had changed. Then I discovered they had been not 10 minutes away but never even called.

I was hurt and disappointed. After awhile, I finally went to God! (I knew He would set me straight and I wanted to feel sorry for myself a little longer!) He took me to His word where I read about a person who had invited lots of folks to a huge banquet. Free food! You’d think people would be lined up to go. But the Bible said, “They all began to make excuses.” At this point I realized that God truly understood my situation so I asked Him why even offer invitations when they might not come? Disappointment hurts! Why not just be satisfied with meeting at Starbucks. But in my heart I knew it wasn’t the same because there is a special intimacy that happens in my home. They see our stuff and sit on our couch! They see the stains in the carpet and the dust on the coffee table and its okay because the relationship is what is important. Letting someone into our home is letting them into our lives.

Then I understood why God desires for us to come and “visit” Him…not only in the places we feel comfortable, but in His very Presence! Only there can we share true intimacy. Only there can we begin to see who He really is-- His character, His love, His mercy, His will. There in His Presence it is no longer just a book-only knowledge. But often we have excuses: I have to take care of the kids…I have to work…I have just bought five yoke of oxen, and I’m on my way to try them out! vs19 (Well, maybe not) but in any event, He desires our company. He has things He would like to share with us alone! When we refuse His invitation, we miss the best part of being a Christian…and that is resting in Him with no pretense. This is the place where we learn to trust His heart!

We will have as much of God as we have time for! How much of God do you want? He has invited us to His home! How will you RSVP?


The Lushers said...

Beautifully stated. Wonderfully true. So glad I finally took time to investigate your site and blog. What a blessing! Janie L.

Andrea said...

Cyndi, I enjoyed reading your post. I have shared such disappointment before. But isn't the Lord wonderful to turn and bless us as He blessed you with this awesome scripture and His gracious comfort?

I love your profile description - "a recovering Pharisee." And yes, everyday of my life is also one of grace.

You seem like such an inspirational woman, one I would love to sit down with and share a cup of tea or coffee.

God bless you in your ministry. May the joy of the Lord be your strength continually.

In Christ's Love,


Unknown said...

Oh, Cyndi... God has given you such a wonderful gift of seeing God in ALL of our lives. There are days when He is so very real in my life. Thanks for the reminder as Ethel Waters once said, "If you don't feel God is close, guess who moved!!" I'm so glad God put you into my life so many years ago and that, in His grace, He has brought us back together. I look forward to the day I can drop in and enjoy a face-to-face visit with you.