Thursday, May 7, 2009

If My People Will Pray...Not Pry

Today is the National Day of Prayer, an event that has been observed in our nation since 1952. Today, however, I have heard more about President Obama not hosting this event in the White House than what churches ARE hosting prayer meetings. Hmmm? Traditionally the theme verse for this event has been 2nd Chronicles 7:14.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

As much as I want President Obama to follow the traditions of his predecessors, we Christians need to contemplate what this verse is saying; it is a verse filled with promise and “if…thens”. It was first spoken by God (Yahweh) at the dedication of the temple Solomon built so the presence of God could come among His people in Jerusalem. Although this was an Old Testament promise I do think that the promise can be applied to us as we are the “temple of the Holy Spirit.” (I Corinthians 3:16) But what does it really mean? Let’s break the verse into its parts.

This was addressed only to God’s people! Are you a child of God? Are YOU praying? Instead of using your energy being focused upon those who are not praying, use it to PRAY. No where does this verse tell us to tell others to pray, it tells us to pray.

In his book, Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire, Jim Cymbala, when asked about what he thought about prayer being taken out of schools said, “Am I the only one who gets embarrassed when religious leaders in America talk about having prayer in public schools? We don’t have even that much prayer in many churches! Out of humility, you would think we would keep quiet on that particular subject until we practice what we preach in our own congregations….(He goes on) What does it say about our churches today that God birthed the church in a prayer meeting, and prayer meetings today are almost extinct?”

Now, that is convicting! We have more emphasis on preaching and music than consulting corporately the One who controls all things. I am not saying we should eliminate preaching or music…don’t go there…But where is seeking God in all the mix?

Do we pray? Really pray? To do this, we must first HUMBLE ourselves! Ask, “Who am I compared to a Holy God?” Make no mistake, when we come into His presence we will be humbled! (Isaiah 6) Only after a humbling and a “confessing,” will God fulfill His promise. Then we must SEEK His face…His will…for us. We really don’t know God’s plan for us until we intently seek His face! He might have some really strange things for us to do…like march around a wall for seven days…or He might ask us to put ourselves in perilous situations…for His name’s sake (Matt.5:10)

Then those called by His name must TURN from OUR wicked ways…opps…did He say turn from OUR wicked ways? That comes right after the humbling part, folks. Does the world see a pure Bride in the world today or a Church living a compromising life in this world?

So, on this National Day of Prayer…people of God-- Humble yourselves…you are nothing without God. Pray, without being so concerned about who is not praying….Seek His will….and do it! Repent of what we have done that is not pleasing to Him. THEN He will hear and will forgive and will heal our land.

If prayer is a political ploy…God won’t hear. If prayer is only an event…He will not be pleased. If prayer is being offered by those who do not know God…He will not answer…It is up to us…we who call ourselves Christ followers. Think about it! Excuse me…I’ve got some praying to do.


Bonnie said...

Hi Cyn, This is so true. Thank you for hearing the Holy Spirit and telling us what you hear. Love, Bonnie

cyndi said...

Thanks, Bonnie!

Andrea said...

A very well-put truth! God bless you for such a pure-hearted post. It seems all we do is talk prayer and fail to pray.

Many blessings,
