Thursday, May 21, 2009


This weekend our country will celebrate Memorial Day-- a day created to remember those who “fell in the line of duty” for our freedom but has also become a day to have cookouts, go to the beach, have family time, etc. All of that is good and it would be great if I could sit under an umbrella staring out to waves licking a sandy shore of some island get away but I am getting ready to go to a funeral…so it really will be a day of memory for me. One of my favorite aunts went home to see Jesus face to face last night! Aunt Bonnie was one of a kind!!! She was this California-raised girl’s first introduction to a true Southern lady…one who never went without her nails being done or her hair being colored. (At 88 years old, she still had “natural” hair color--a lesson I will take to heart!) She introduced me to the phrase, “Shut your mouth!” which I discovered really didn’t mean to get quiet. Eating at her house always included at least 3 meat choices with all the “necessary” compliments and came with the insistence that we eat lots!! She loved people and remembered everything about them. She loved me and I loved her! I will miss her very much.

Funny thing about memories…they take us to places we haven’t thought about for years…some bring laughter while others bring pain but they all are a part of what we have become. Some bring us back to where we need to be…the grounding memories. Aunt Bonnie never had a lot of worldly things…she wasn’t an educated person…she lived very simply…but she was the happiest person I had ever met…her concern was always about others…I felt at home with her because there was no pretending. What she felt, she said and she made me laugh because she never took herself too seriously. She knew who she was and modeled for me what Christ said about how we ought to live our lives…and how far I have gotten away from that in my own life.

To be honest I am trying to avoid the scripture God keeps bringing to my mind but I can’t. Revelation 2:4-5 “Yet I hold this against you; you have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first.”

This brings a different thought for my Memorial Day this year—not only to remember fallen soldiers or favorite aunts but to remember who I was before Christ came into my life and how He died for my absolute freedom. I sometimes forget how much He has done for me and I just go about my life. I don’t want my Savior to say that He has anything against me…so this weekend as I remember the life of my precious aunt…I also will remember that I will see her again because of Christ. I will remember that He has given me abundant life. As I see the flags flying, I will remember that His banner over me is love… I will remember how far I have come because of this love! I will remember! How about you?


Andrea said...

Cyndi, thank you for sharing these thoughts and for sharing this scripture from Revelation. It's so easy to lose our fire for God. May God help me to honor Him in all I say and do.



Ginny Neal said...

The Lord seems to give us our special "Aunts" to teach us what yours taught you. What a big miss these people are in our lives when they go first. Wonderful story. Thanks for sharing!

Andrea said...

Hi, Cyndi. I just dropped back in to say that I hope you had a blessed Memorial Day.

I also want to add that your Aunt Bonnie does sound like a true southern lady. I am a Georgia girl God transplanted to Alabama, so her sweet ways sound so familiar to my southern heart.

But more importantly, her love of God strikes me with a desire to seek Him more and be a better example to all around me.

Lastly, I want to mention that the scripture from Revelation has also been on my heart lately. It concerns me deeply. It compels me to seek God more seriously. His coming is truly at hand.

Many blessing to you in Christ Jesus for your beloved ministry in the Lord.


cyndi said...

Thank you Andrea for your comments. It is because of encouragement that I continue to share from my life. God bless you in all you do.

Anonymous said...

Grandma truly loved you and your family. I don't think she was capable of loving on sister more than the other but she talked about Aunt ML and you more than the others to me. That is probably why your parents were my favorite. Thank you for coming to see us. We really appreciate it. I am not sure how I would of gotten through without family. God placed each one of us where we need to be for each other. Love you! Carol Ann