Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Small Stuff Matters!

Our world says, "Go big or go home!" If what we do isn't large or before thousands we tend to think it is not worth much! Last week I went to the funeral of a great lady. I sat and listened to her accolades and left feeling worthless in my own spiritual life wondering if I would ever do as much for the kingdom as she did! I saw our pastor at the grocery store that week and told him what a wonderful job he did and I added, "boy, do I feel guilty because I will never measure up!" He looked at me and with great wisdom said something like this, "She did small things consistently for a very long time." Wow! He was right! She was in her mid-eighties. She never spoke to a stadium of people or did any of the things the world says you must do to be valuable...she was consistent in doing daily what God led her to do and it added up! Believer, are you not doing what God wants because you are comparing yourself to someone with a bigger stage? Stop! I found a scripture this morning that puts things in perspective: "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin!" Zech. 4:10 We each have a purpose or as Hebrews says, our own race to run...don't think the small stuff doesn't it consistently and for a long time and others will notice!

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