Our world says, "Go big or go home!" If what we do isn't large or before thousands we tend to think it is not worth much! Last week I went to the funeral of a great lady. I sat and listened to her accolades and left feeling worthless in my own spiritual life wondering if I would ever do as much for the kingdom as she did! I saw our pastor at the grocery store that week and told him what a wonderful job he did and I added, "boy, do I feel guilty because I will never measure up!" He looked at me and with great wisdom said something like this, "She did small things consistently for a very long time." Wow! He was right! She was in her mid-eighties. She never spoke to a stadium of people or did any of the things the world says you must do to be valuable...she was consistent in doing daily what God led her to do and it added up! Believer, are you not doing what God wants because you are comparing yourself to someone with a bigger stage? Stop! I found a scripture this morning that puts things in perspective: "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin!" Zech. 4:10 We each have a purpose or as Hebrews says, our own race to run...don't think the small stuff doesn't matter...do it consistently and for a long time and others will notice!
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Follow up on massage!
You might remember I spoke about a deep tissue massage I had a couple of weeks ago. Today I went back for my 2nd and it wasn't as bad as the first...I had done all the things she said and my muscles were much less tense...I still have some issues but it is better. When I left I made another appointment because I know if I don't, I am going to get back into the same shape I was in before. It is that way with our Christian life...it is not a "one time fixes everything" life! If we treat it like that then we will be faced with deep pain that was not necessary. If I keep a regular schedule of taking care of my body my body will work better. If I take care of my spiritual life, that also will work better.
It might have been a long time since you met with God...He loves you and wants you to be healthy. If meeting with Him cause you some personal pain then it is what He needs to work out of your life so you can be better...but it is not a one time thing. Continue to meet with Him, daily. Pray, read His word and depend on Him. It will keep you strong and feeling great. Thanks, Kristen for reminding me of what I need to do!
It might have been a long time since you met with God...He loves you and wants you to be healthy. If meeting with Him cause you some personal pain then it is what He needs to work out of your life so you can be better...but it is not a one time thing. Continue to meet with Him, daily. Pray, read His word and depend on Him. It will keep you strong and feeling great. Thanks, Kristen for reminding me of what I need to do!
Monday, September 19, 2016
Here is a verse that goes against contemporary thinking: "Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?" Job 2:10b As I read that this morning, I think often of how many times I rejoice in the blessings that God gives me yet wonder where He is when things go wrong. The biggest misconception we have in the church is that if you are a Christian everything will always go "your way" and you will not have trouble. The fact is, nothing could be farther from the truth. We have an enemy who wants to destroy us and times of testing our faith will come. Jesus said while He still walked the earth, "In this world, you will have trouble...but be of good cheer I have overcome the world." John 16:33 Today, believer, perhaps it seems like your world is falling apart and that God has deserted you...He has not. He will never leave you or forsake you. Our good blessings are not an indication of God's presence...His peace in the middle of trouble is. In all things give thanks and you will be surprised at the calm that will come over you.
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Yesterday I
redeemed a gift certificate for a deep tissue massage. Do not imagine the
relaxing wonderful massage that you see on commercials. This was brutal. I had
not had one in a couple of years and my muscles were like concrete. I am not a
violent person, but if my face had not been secured in a tiny round hole on the
massage table, I think I would have slapped the sweet girl doing what I asked
her to do! At one point she asked me if it hurt too much and I said yes but
keep it going because I know I will feel better later...so she did! You know it
is the same way with God's Word...we tell Him we want to get better and that He
can break us but then the pain comes and we want to slap somebody! We want to
justify why we don't need that and often we just want the pain to stop. The
result is: We don't get better! Our hearts are still like concrete! Today, I am
deep in writing for a series I will be doing in October on "How to Prepare
Ourselves for Prayer." These lessons are wrecking me in every conceivable
place! When that happens, I know it is from God. I know when this is finished,
I will be stronger, more passionate, more in tune with His will but boy it is
painful right now. After my massage (first of two because I was so bad off!)
the therapist told me to drink lots of water, which will help my muscles to
relax. Jesus is our living water and drinking deeply from His well will help
the lessons God is teaching, to sink in deeply so we can relax in His truth.
Today consider when was the last time you were wrecked by God's Word? Don't
wait too long.
Friday, September 9, 2016
The B-I-B-L-E That's the Book for Me!
In Nehemiah 8, the wall was built and all the people in Jerusalem came together to worship the Lord. The priest Ezra read from the Book of the Law of Moses. (The Torah) They stood from daybreak until noon as Ezra read and listened attentively. That in itself is amazing but what happens next is what is missing today. As the people heard the Word of God they began weeping over their sin... In our country there has been a controversy the past two weeks about using the Bible with unbelievers...some pastors are saying that it might turn the lost away from God and might not be understandable to them. I cannot say how very wrong this kind of thinking is. If we don't have the Word of God to guide us, then what we have is merely man's opinion of what is right. These people in Jerusalem merely heard God's word read and repented...then Nehemiah said, "Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." 8:10 A verse later says, "Then all the people went to eat and drink...because they now understood the words that had been made known to them." 12 When we try to find a "better way" to reach the lost rather than what God has said, we are making disciples of ourselves not disciples of Jesus. Are there parts of the Bible that at first are hard to understand...yes! But when the Holy Spirit comes, He gives us understanding. Today, believer, don't fall for the pop culture that says the Bible is not necessary...the words within it have the only defensive weapon against the enemy we have. Jesus Himself used scripture to fight with satan in the desert. If we listen long enough, we will understand and have joy!
Monday, September 5, 2016
Get it Done!
I find it cool that on Labor Day I would start the book of Nehemiah in my reading. There was a job that needed to be done and Nehemiah's heart was set on doing it but he couldn't do it alone. He asked God for direction and for God's favor first and foremost! After receiving God's wisdom, there were 8 questions in chapter 2 that Nehemiah needed to answer to get the task done. I believe these questions can help us accomplish our tasks, as well.
1. What is it that you want?
2. Why do you want it?
3. When? Set a time to get it done.
4. What will you need?
5. What needs to be done...survey the situation.
6. Who will help you?
7. Do you believe it can be done?
8. Will you give the glory to God?
Of course there are elaborations on these but if we apply these principles in whatever God has called us to do, we will find that the work will progress and be successful. Happy Labor Day, friends.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Beauty from Ashes
There is one scripture that breaks my heart each time I read it. It is found in Ezra 3:11-13. The people of God were being released from Babylon to return to Jerusalem. There had been 70+/- years since there had been worship there so one of the first things they tried to do was rebuild the temple which had been destroyed. They started with the foundation. The younger ones shouted for joy as they looked upon the new foundation then we read, "But many of the older priests and Levites and family heads, who had seen the former temple, wept aloud when they saw the foundation of this temple being laid." (12) Solomon's great temple would never again be the same and it was sad to those who remembered. The rebellion that eventually caused the captivity had left it in shambles. This tenders my heart because those of us who have allowed the enemy to "destroy" our temple by sin can still remember what it was like "before." Yes, and hallelujah Christ comes and rebuilds us and makes us whole, but sometimes in our minds, we wonder what it would have been like had I just listened and obeyed. Our lives will never be the same either but God will take our shambles and our destruction to remind others that God does indeed have a plan for us...and if that plan gets side-tracked He is ready and willing to start again. Some of you need to build the foundation again but this time upon solid obedience and dependence upon Him.It is not too late...do it. Today, don't get bogged down by what might have been but trust God to use what you offer Him as a sweet fragrance of repentance and commitment.
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