Each New Year the two major resolutions people made are to lose weight/get into shape and more Bible study!
Now, I don’t wait until New Year’s to make my “getting into shape” resolution. I generally make that resolution weekly--if not daily. I especially want to get into shape on Tuesday nights while watching The Biggest Loser and I don’t think that I am alone. This has caused me to think about the whole world of weight loss and I have found there are three types of people:
• Those who really, really want to…they go out and buy all the right outfits, headbands (for potential sweat or just to look cool!), enroll in the local health club, and show up excited! They will try it for a while but because it is too hard, and muscles are hurting they quit! Some people go as far as purchasing their own equipment only to have it sit idle after a month!!
• Then there are those who get involved in every single exercise group available and talk about their diet constantly…telling everyone they need to get involved in what THEY do, if they really want to be in shape. It is an addiction and it is all about the classes and diets. They have no life other than exercise and talking about what foods we should eat and look down on others who are not as vigilant as they are. Attending the class and the social experience is the goal.
• Finally, there are those who understand that a good diet and proper exercise will make their bodies healthy so they can stay active and vibrant. They do what they need to do to accomplish that goal. They are the happiest people I know!!
Do you see yourself in any of those people? I do. I have been guilty of being a part of all three at one time or another. Obviously the third person is the one who truly understands and “gets it!”
I was preparing a Bible study lesson and it dawned on me that there are the same three types of women who get involved in Bible study.
• There are those who really want to study. They know they need it…they go out and buy all the books, colored pencils and maybe a journal or two. She shows up really ready to learn and is excited but after a week they lose interest because they have gotten behind. They don’t really have the time or it is not the right night become excuses…no amount of encouragement gets him/her back…maybe next time!! They want to learn but are not willing to do the work.
• Then there are those women who are in every Bible study offered. They name-drop “Beth, Anne, and Kay”…all over the place. They are addicted and go to every study available but usually will have a favorite author and will follow her much as a groupie follows a rock band. They have their homework done and all their blanks filled in completely and in ink!! They tell others they need to study what they study. All of this is good but after each study, they can’t recall a single point they learned and they have not applied anything from the study to their lives. It was a study and it is over…on to the next study for the goal is to do bible study with no long-term affect. The hard work of letting God change them through His words is ignored…
• Then finally there is the one who has learned that the Bible is more than just a book…it is her guide to how to live life and the way God speaks to her. It is personal. She gets excited when a truth is revealed and she seeks to apply what she learns to her life. She desires God to convict her, comfort her, guide her and encourage her through His word (II Timothy 3: 16) so she can grow in her Christian walk and become mature in her faith. It is more than just a study; it is a way of life and these are the happiest people I know.
Kind of reminds me of what Jesus said to His disciples when he spoke about seeds and three types of ground. Some fell on rocky soil, some on shallow soil and some in good soil.
Don’t get me wrong….I believe in Bible study…it is daily food for the soul! The point is, study the Bible for the right reason…to grow in your life. Bible study ought to change you for you are encountering the Holy One. Afterwards you ought to speak differently, carry out your life differently, and love others more deeply! It ought to be a time of worship and worship brings change.
This year, as you dive into His words, ask Him to speak profoundly to your heart. Ask Him to show you any things that need to change…you will be amazed at what His word can do in every aspect of your life! Don’t let it become just something you do….let it be what you become.
Good one, Cyndi! I too sit and watch the "Biggest Loser" and think -- Wow! I am going to lose some weight too -- as I'm eating my big bowl of Blue Belle chocolate ice cream. And I am just as bad with my Bible study. I have all good intentions, but I really don't give it the attention it deserves. And the bad part is, I KNOW both - losing weight and Bible study - would make me a healthier - emotionally and physically - Christian. Thanks for sharing and giving me something to think about!
Guilty, guilty, guilty...you gave me food for thought!
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