Monday, January 17, 2011

What Will It Cost Me?

I have the wonderful privilege to travel to the small country of Belize in June to lead women’s conferences. Belize is a very poor country in Central America and the women there have to work much harder to take care of their families than we in the US could ever imagine. Being in Women's Ministry I have learned that inside every woman, regardless of who they are or where they live, is a desire to be beautiful and feminine and with that thought in mind I want to give to each woman a gift bag filled with sweet smelling soaps, shampoos, body creams and perfume. These things, which are commonplace to us, to these ladies, are treasure. Because I don’t have the funds to do this alone, I have asked others to donate soaps, creams, and shampoos they have gotten from hotel stays; the outpouring has been wonderful. Never in my wildest dreams, however, did I think I would have to say the words, “Un-used” in the description of the items. The great majority of the items I have gotten have been wonderful (and I am so grateful) but I did get one very large bag packed full of half-used and dried up toiletries. A thorough search of the bag resulted in not one item I could use. This would have gone unmentioned but the giver bragged that they were so happy they could help in this endeavor and even made the comment that the women there should be glad of half-used items because they have nothing.

After a couple of days I let this go of my frustration over this but God would not let me forget my lesson from it. Many times have I gone through my cupboards looking for canned goods, I would never personally eat, to put in the community food pantries and the clothes I give to shelters usually contain stained items or things so out of date I would never wear them again yet somewhere in my mind I feel the recipients should be happy with whatever! Never, I am sorry to confess, have I gone shopping for clothes to give to our clothing shelter or gone grocery shopping for the food pantry. I toss my leftovers to the needy and expect God to see my “sacrifice” with a smile.

Do we give God the same? Our leftover time, talents or resources are offered to God with a boasting that we have done something wonderful for the kingdom…yet we save the best for ourselves or our own family. Then God reminded me of a scripture in II Samuel 24:24. King David had wanted to build an altar to honor God on land owned by a man named Araunah. David sent his men with an offer to purchase the land but it was such an honor for Araunah that he told the men they could have the land…no cost. Verse 24 is David’s answer: “But the king said to Araunah, “No, but I will buy it from you for a price. I will not offer burnt offerings to the LORD my God that cost me nothing.” [emphasis mine]

This lesson has hit me hard…when I think I am doing something for someone in need does it count if it doesn’t cost me anything? Yes, it will count because God can use anything but the joy is much greater when the one in need is given something new and fresh for that is what God always offers us. Yes, these ladies in Belize will accept anything because they are poor and have nothing. Many are used to cast-offs from wealthy Americans but how much more exciting will it be to look in their eyes when they see new things-- just for them. Perhaps they will understand that they are cherished children of God and He offers them His best. Perhaps they won’t care at all…I don’t know…I just know that as Jesus has given His best to me, God expects me to give my best to others. It will cost me something…perhaps money…perhaps time…most definitely part of myself. But considering that God gave us His most precious son, it should be easy. Paul said in Romans 12 to “present your bodies a living sacrifice!” and then he says… “which is your reasonable service!” KJV

I will go to Belize with a new vision of what I am to do…I will give these ladies gift bags that will make them feel beautiful…at least for a little while…but I want to give them more…I want to give them myself and maybe from that they will see Jesus who will give them His best. How about you?

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