Monday, August 2, 2010


I know that I said I would write soon but the move this time took a great deal out of me! We are settled and love our new home and pray that God will use it to His glory. All ready we have had college kids stay in the extra rooms, ladies groups come and fellowship and of course, Bible study. May God be lifted up!

Now, what have I learned from this? First of all, I did NOT want to move. I was comfortable with the other house. The operative word here is "comfortable!" Although there were times that that house was not big enough for all we wanted to do, I didn't want to do the work it took to go to another place...I said I was "comfortable" but it was really laziness! It takes work to takes effort and in many ways it takes faith. How did I know this new house would be ok? Was it structurally safe? What if...what if...

I discovered that my life was filled with negative "what if's" instead of looking for what God wanted. God spoke to me during this time that many times I react the same way in my spiritual life. When God wants me to move on to something bigger, I argue that I am comfortable where I am...After all, it takes work to learn something study more, to depend more on His strength! I argue that I often get lonely in new ministry...I NEED the people I have gotten to know...and He answers that all I really need is Him.

I find that the older I get the harder it is to move on! The physical move nearly did me in! I have moved many times in my life but never at this age...Isn't it true that the older we get spiritually the more we want to sit back and let others do the ministry. That is NOT God's way. I often tell ladies groups that, "God is not finished with you until someone looks over your casket and says 'don't she look natural?'" God reminded me of that during our move....His word was that He is not finished "growing and moving" me...there is much more He wants me to do but I must be willing.

The house is great! We are using this gift from Him in ways I could never do in the other house. In my own life, I want to be used for His glory. It often takes me out of my comfort zone but when I get there I am invigorated and energized because God gives me the strength and power it takes.

Some of you are in a place of comfort...But God is wanting to take you further! He did that with the children of Israel when He Joshua said to them, "Consecrate yourself, because the LORD will do wonders among you tomorrow!" Jos.3:5 May I paraphrase that? Pack up! Move on! God has even more exciting things in store!

Get moving!! It's good for you!!

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Hi Cyndi, I'm glad you are enjoying and appreciating your new home. God bless you and Jerry.