I grew up in the Air Force. We actually lived on a SAC base where there were often practice “alerts” and drills to prepare for a possible attack from whatever enemy might be lurking about. During these drills, the one thing I remember having to do was to lower the blinds and turn out all the lights until the room was a dark as it could be. We had to sit in this darkness until the drill was over and while we were not in any real danger, to a small child it felt real. The only thing that made me feel safe was my daddy who constantly told me this would not last for long…it was just for a time. Through this I learned, however, that darkness was not always a bad thing…darkness could be protection from whatever might be out to hurt me.
While we as Christians are to live in the Light, that doesn’t mean that there will not be times of darkness in our lives. We live in a fallen world and to think that we alone will escape is to not live in reality. Jesus Himself said, “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world!” John 16:33…at least that is the part we usually quote…let’s look at the whole verse: I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world. Jesus had just told his disciples about some of the terrible things they would be experiencing after he left but He left them with hope. His disciples all suffered greatly…As the church was established many suffered. The thought that we should be immune from trouble is not to be found in the word of God. Darkness will come.
I was reading Job the other day and found myself glibly reacting to all Job was going through. It bothered me until I realized that I could read this matter-of-factly because I had read the ending…it ended better than it started. But Job didn’t know the ending…he lived through death, financial disaster, illness and loss of friendship not understanding why. Although, he questioned God, he never turned from God. His statement was, “I know my Redeemer lives!!!” (Job 19:25) His faith unwavering even though he didn’t know.
During the drills when I was a child, I didn’t really know what was going on, but I felt safe for I was with one who did…He knew when it was going to end and that I would be okay. That in itself was comfort.
Many of my friend’s lives are in great darkness right now…. some have been laid off from jobs they have had for years...others are facing diseases and they are not sure of what tomorrow will bring. Perhaps that describes you, as well. May I just tell you that in your darkest times you might just be in the clef of a rock with God’s hand placed over you in protection. He knows how it all ends! May I encourage you to sit closely to Him in this darkness and listen to His still small voice saying, “My child, this is not going to last long. It is just for a time and it will be ok. Trust me!” This life is just a drill; our real home is where darkness does not dwell for Christ is the light. Until then, place your eyes on the Prince of Peace.
Thanks Cyndi for this reminder. Praise the Lord that He is our covering! My problem is that I too often keep my eyes trained on the circumstances and not on Him.
Cyndi, I cried. Thanks for the reminder
Thanks, Cyndi... He IS still in charge!
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