Sunday, July 26, 2009

Perhaps It Is Not Just Semantics

I overheard a conversation the other day that went something like this…”Oh, you need to come to OUR church…we are doing such wonderful things. We had about 1,200 in VBS.” The response was like this…”Well, I go to ________ and we are doing________.” It turned into a one-up conversation about each other’s churches and which church was better with the measuring line being how many activities were being done and how many people were involved….

It might just be me…and probably is…but I have noticed there is more talk about what our various churches are doing rather than what Jesus is doing in our lives and in our congregations. Some might think it is just semantics but is it? Do we really mean “Jesus” when we say “our church”? I would hope so but I am afraid at times we are more concerned about the reputation of our congregations than the glory of God.

Maybe I am just being overly sensitive but I know that God alone is to be glorified in this kingdom work. It is with that thought that I want to have your input. What do you think? Maybe you haven’t considered this before but now you are! This is your time so let me know your thoughts. I look forward to hearing from you!


Ashley R. said...

I agree with you 100%. I get so tired of "competition type" stuff in church. We are all there to Worship God, not who can do what for their church and who can do it better.

Anonymous said...

I agree that many people appear to be more interested in "programs" than "individuals". Wouldn't it had been great had they stated something like...___ children came into His kingdom as the results of both ministries. Thanks Cyndi for your blog! Betty

Ginny Neal said...

This is Twilight Zone-ish. But I used that same phrase in my blog.. do do do do. I just read it in yours!
You were much more succinct, mine is much longer as I tend to write books, when I get started.

I will leave the link with this comment.

Anonymous said...

Good word. Good writing. Keep pushing the envelope and stretching the rubber band. We all need it.
Michael Catt

Mike Joyner said...

Hi Cyndi, I invite people to OUR church all the time, but it is because I am so very proud of what Jesus is doing at our little church. Jesus is here , alive and working. I am in total awe at the miracles that I have personally witnessed. I'm not talking about turning water into wine, I'm talking about things that don't just happen by coincidence. Time after time... Jesus is Lord at Divine Grace Baptist Church.