Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

Nehemiah 9 records a prayer of the Levites after the wall around Jerusalem had been repaired. The prayer recalls the long history of the Hebrew people. Here is the Reader’s Digest version: God provided for them, they followed, they rebelled, they had problems, they called out to God, God intervened, God provided, they followed, they rebelled, they had problems, they called out to God, God intervened, God provided, lather rinse repeat. 


It reminds me so much of our country. God allowed a people to come to this continent and establish it as a land where faith could be practiced without governmental control. We started well; God provided all we needed. As we prospered, we forgot and we rebelled. When things started going wrong, we called out to God and after He answered and things were good again, we went back to the same ole rebellion. Today this rebellion has become sheer blasphemy. 


Judah became so bad, that God sent destruction upon it. However, in His love, God protected the Hebrew remnant (those who followed faithfully) from the destruction by “allowing” them to be taken into captivity for 70 years. When they were allowed to return home, however, they were no longer the owners of the land but under the rule of someone else. The last two verses of chapter 9 are so sad to me. 


Nehemiah 9:36-37  


Here we are today,
slaves in the land you gave our ancestors
so that they could enjoy its fruit and its goodness.
Here we are—slaves in it!

Its abundant harvest goes to the kings
you have set over us,
because of our sins.
They rule over our bodies
and our livestock as they please.
We are in great distress.”


The next chapters record there was a time of confession and repentance after the 

Levite’s sermon, but it was not long-lived. In their prosperity, their rebellion began

 again. After all God had done, this was the final straw. He left them to their sin and

 remained silent for 400 years. 


I know we are in the New Covenant and our salvation is not dependent upon 

whether or not our nation stands. 


So, what is our hope? Become a part of the new remnant…the Bride of Christ…a 

Believer. Accept Jesus as your Savior.  Just as God protected the Hebrew 

remnant, He will protect His Bride…maybe not in the way we want but in His perfect will. Those

 Christians dying for their faith in Afghanistan understand something important: Our kingdom is

 not the United States or Afghanistan or any other nation. Our Kingdom is not of this world but

 is where Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father. Let this scripture in Colossians 3:1-4 be

 your comfort in these uncertain times. 

So, if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.  For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.  When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.”


Maranatha…Lord Jesus come. 

Saturday, July 3, 2021

One Country, Indivisible…

Some how the enemy has succeeded in dividing us. What method did he use to cause this division? Selfish desires and sadly the church is not immune to his wiles. The, “Everyone must go along with what I want or else,” attitude has divided the body until the world looks at us with disgust. 

How far we have come from the Acts 4:13 believers…”When they observed the boldness of Peter and John and realized that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed and recognized that they had been with Jesus.” I am NOT at all devaluing theological education (I am a product of some great teaching) but sometimes believers rely more on what they learned from a commentary or a class, on Twitter, or a political rally instead of being with Jesus. But when we spend time with Jesus, we will hear His words, be invited to follow His commands, and are joined with Him in the battle with boldness. Some of Jesus’ last recorded prayers were for us to be one…with Him…with the Father…and with each other. (John 17:20-21) When we are united in this way…the world will KNOW that Jesus was sent from God.
Perhaps the division in our country can be directly related to the division in the church- which was to be the light in the darkness. We dropped the ball the minute we looked to ourselves or church leaders for the answers. We dropped the ball the minute our personal preferences became more important than God’s will. We dropped the ball when we blindly looked to our pastors’ opinions rather than God’s Word. BUT it is not too late. We can repent of our selfishness, open our eyes anew, and join God in the work that He is doing to set people free. 

On this Independence Day weekend, seek the freedom that only God can provide and become one with Him. Then perhaps the world will know you, too, have been with Jesus.