Friday, September 28, 2018

Does the Women's Movement Have Another Agenda?

In 2003, I took a course in seminary entitled, “Feminist Theology.” I had no idea what that was. I only took it because all the seminaries in our denomination joined together to hear the author of the book, The Feminist Mistake, teach the course. That, along with the fact I could visit my son, who was also in seminary at the time, convinced me to take this class. Those were not very good reasons, but I am so glad I went. God wanted to give me insight as to the agenda of the women’s movement.

The teacher, Mary Kassian, had done extensive research into the history of feminism. Her lectures taught us that feminism began long before 1963, when Betty Friedan’s book, The Feminine Mystique, was published. But it was this book which began the talking points of what would eventually be known as “The Women’s Movement,” and NOW. [National Organization of Women]

The premise of Betty Friedan’s book, suggested to women there was no way they could be happy cleaning, cooking, and taking care of their children in their homes. She gave convincing arguments that having children was the cause of the powerlessness women have, adding if a woman stayed at home taking care of children, she would never reach her full potential. 

Fast forward a couple of years and we see the appearance of the birth control pill. That surely would be the answer to our freedom. We could now decide when and if we got pregnant. The problem was, sometimes the pill did not work. So, there began a campaign to change abortion laws so women could be free from this plague called motherhood. In 1973, she and her followers succeeded when Roe vs. Wade passed in the Supreme Court.

Many in my generation, latched on to this and went around singing, “I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar.” I was completely oblivious to what was happening spiritually to my country.

While “equal rights,” and “abortion” is what generally is associated with feminism, the hidden agenda is seldom spoken about. Before Friedan’s book, feminism was based upon an idea called, “renaming,” and refers to the time when God had Adam name things. The question posed was, “Why would Adam and God get to do the naming?  We have every right to name ourselves anyway we like.” When I heard this part of the lecture, I have to admit, it made no sense to me.  Calling myself by another name, doesn’t change what I am…oh, boy was I naïve! 

In order to “rename” successfully, there needed to be some mind-changing steps or society would never agree. I cannot teach this whole course, but may I point out things a few “mind-changes” that have happened since I took that course in 2003?  

  • Men are the enemy. We must destroy men to succeed. In today’s society men are shamed by terms like “toxic masculinity,” and “patriarchy,” which takes the very essence of what God intended man to be and renames it as evil. They rename the very essence of men. We see commercials portraying men as buffoons and comedy shows highlighting the superiority of women. Slowly but surely, men are being destroyed in our society.
  • All men are immoral cannot be sexually pure. If they say they are, they are lying.
  • There is renamingof anyone who disagrees with this agenda: bigot, racist, homophobic, old white men, and the list goes on.  There doesn’t have to be any evidence to these claims because "they" have the power to rename any person. Many are cowering because they don’t want this renamed title attached to themselves. 
  • Make men more like women. Do this in many ways…convince men to get “in touch with their feminine side.”  If that doesn’t work, encourage men in the gay lifestyle so they will side with feminist feelings. 
  • The latest renaming tactic is Trans-sexualism. Individuals decide, or rename, what sex they are. Please note, the vast number of people who claim they are transsexual are men wanting to be women…not the other way around. If we cannot destroy men, we will rename them "women."
  • Convince society they get to decide what sex they are from the get-go. Believe it or not, birth certificates in some places do not “name” the sex of a baby until that child decides what it wants to be later in life. God no longer has a say. 
  • Insist on sexual freedom. Women want to be as free sexually as they feel men are, but want no repercussions of their poor choices. They however, will hold men to higher standards than they hold and destroy them in the process. 
  • Above all else, never get rid of “child sacrifice,” (abortion) for that would put women back in the dark ages of when they were prisoners in their homes. Of course, they soften the term by calling it Women’s Health. This is the main issue today and underlies many women movements and marches. 

At the end of the course, Mary Kassian, showed pictures of women involved in the Feminist movement from the start to where they ended up. Each one of the women looked more like a man than a woman.  I was shocked. Genesis 3:16b came to mind. “Your desire will be for your husband, yet he will rule over you.”  I had always thought that verse meant women would always desire a husband but the more I see what is going on today, I think it meant, you will want to be your husband; renaming what God intended. I am both shocked and saddened by this and also that so many are being taken in by it. 

Many will take issue with what is written in this blog and that is your prerogative but if you are a Christian, I ask that you open your eyes and see what is going on in our nation.  Read both of the books mentioned. See from a new spiritual perspective that possibly there is more going on in the heavenlies than we can see.  God’s enemy, satan, has always wanted to rename himself as God. In destroying all that God holds dear, perhaps, he is accomplishing his goal. But may I remind all of us, God wins in the end and we are called upon to trust the living, holy God of the universe.  

I want to end this controversial blog, by stating how God originally named us: 
·     Women are beautiful creations with the ability to feel deeply and to care for others. We alone are given the opportunity to feel life growing inside us and to birth a new baby. 
·     Women are equal in God’s eyes. Jesus honored women.
·     Women were the first ones given the opportunity to share the good news of the gospel. 

We should continue to do that and that only. 

Friday, September 14, 2018

Proper Perspective

Let me preface this blog by saying, anythingwe do for God, anywhere, is wonderful. I do not want you to think I am against short term mission trips…nothing could be further from the truth. But, too often, I have seen churches give a spiritual elevation for people who go on mission trips. We hold them in honor as we post pictures and pray extra hard for them while they are away. (we should pray for them!) But it is almost like stating, “These are the most spiritual in our church, because they go away to serve!”  

Before you attack me, I have been on lots of short-term mission trips and they have been life-changing events in my life; events I never want to forget. But I also noticed in myself a desire to let people know I went, and I have to admit, I felt a little superior when I told them. I wanted (not consciously) for people to think better of me because I had sacrificed my time to share the Gospel. (Just being real, here!)

Why am I writing this?  Because it became evident to me (while listening to a group share their mission trip experience) that we will do things for those across the ocean we would never do for those in our own neighborhoods. I suddenly became aware that those close by are also in desperate need of the Gospel.  Examples: Seldom if ever, do we give people who reach out to rebellious teens, time to share…maybe because we are too busy keeping “those” kind of kids away from our church so we won’t have to deal with them. (ouch) There isn’t an “elevating to honor” those who work with addicts…maybe because the addicts might want to come to our church and that would give us a bad name. Do you get my point? It is much easier to deal with those kinds of issues far away from home…safely away from our comfort zone. 

But God clearly asked me that night: 

If you can go and do…why can’t you stay and do?

There was a reason Jesus first mentioned “Jerusalem” in Acts 1:8. Have we looked at our “Jerusalem” lately? The fields are white…ready to harvest…but the laborers are few. There are kids who need mentors…someone who will truly listen and care. There are people caught in all kind of issues who need to know there is an escape from their bondage. There are ministries all over Mississippi (my state) and wherever you might live; some even in your town. Perhaps you can go on a short-term mission trip to your very own neighborhood…or even your very own neighbor.  I guarantee, just like going over-seas, your life will be changed forever…plus you can sleep in your own bed!