Thursday, February 28, 2013

Why I Disappeared!!

Yesterday I “disappeared” from any social media to show what it is like to have someone disappear from your life.  Every day this happens….as a matter of fact one of my facebook friends posted that her daughter had been missing since the day before.  She was an honor student and had lots of things she was involved in that were positive.  She just disappeared with no trace.  Sadly, this is happening more and more in our country.  And while what I am going to state in this blog is not the situation for some of these disappearances, for a huge number it is. 

Human trafficking is becoming epidemic in our world.  What is it? Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings. It has been perpetrated mainly for the purposes of sexual slavery or forced labor; other purposes include extraction of organs or tissues and even surrogacy and ova removal.

While we want to pretend that everything is fine in our little world, it behooves us to realize that even in our communities this heinous situation exists.  There are transport trucks passing us on interstates filled with victims of this industry…and yes, it is an industry.  Big money.  But there can only be an industry where there are customers and that is a secondary purpose of this blog.  We have so taken purity lightly that sexual appetites have gone wild.  God set boundaries for His people but many have broken those boundaries and we are reaping the devastation.  Now, I am not saying that we, ourselves, have participated in pornography or an illicit lifestyle, but not teaching or standing for purity has caused a lethargy toward what is truly destroying many lives.  Our uncomfortable feeling toward standing against what God had deemed detrimental to our lives is showing what can happen.  The world would say it is ok and that anyone who stands against such things is “old Fashioned” but the ONE who made us knows what will destroy us.   Not standing for values is the same as saying they don’t matter.  

So, how does this start?  It starts by letting loose of morals one step at a time…by accepting them as normal and perhaps laughing at them.  Once a sin is laughed at, it tends to no longer be looked upon as a sin.  (just watch the new comedies on TV!) It is that first look at a magazine…or reading “that” book…or watching “that” movie.  Our boundaries are eroded bit by bit.  For men, it might start with the computer until seeing sexual images becomes an addiction…they then not only want to “see” but want to “experience” and so on.  I need not to go farther with this…you get the idea.  The scripture says, “God gave them over to their evil desires” and we are seeing the harvest.  Many innocent girls and boys are sacrificed for lusts needing to be satisfied and the industry grows. We need to begin working on the cause and not just the effects.  Begin standing for what is pure and wholesome and stand against the evil one. 

So, what can we to do to fight what is already an epidemic?  First of all, get your head out of the sand and see that this is truly modern day slavery and it is happening right in your back yard.  Secondly, educate yourself about who these enslaved people are. Perhaps some are those missing girls you hear about or perhaps the next time you get your pedicure, wonder if the woman at your feet is there by her own will or by the force of others on her life. Let the Holy Spirit guide you.  Thirdly, check out web-sites on human trafficking and spread the news. Lastly, be aware and pray for a stop to this illegal trade.   Mississippi has two bills right now concerning this.  Here is a plea from Sandra Nash:

 I received the following from an attorney with the MS Attorney General's office in regard to the Human Trafficking bill-- “I don’t think either the Senate or House has considered the other chamber’s bills, yet. The house bill has been referred to Senate Jud B, and the senate bill to House Jud. B. Continuing the phone calls expressing your concerns regarding this issue is extremely important; we don’t want this to fade from their radar….
During the session, when each chamber passes a bill, it must be transmitted to the other chamber for consideration. The bills are then referred to a committee. Our HB 673 has been referred to senate jud b, and SB 2719 has been referred to house jud b. The deadline for these committees to act on the bills is March 5th! The next deadline will be March 13th, which is the deadline for floor action on these bills in each chamber. “

I found the names of the committee members and how to contact them; I hope you will make some contacts and let them know we need to pass the Trafficking Bill.

Members of House Judiciary B
Andy Gipson, Chairman; Kimberly Campbell Buck, Vice-Chairman
Members: Willie Bailey; Nick Bain; David Baria; Charles Busby; Gary Chism; Dennis DeBar; Casey Eure; Jeffrey S. Guice; Joey Hood; Kevin Horan; Timmy Ladner; Sherra Hillman Lane; Sam C. Mims, V; Alex Monsour; John L. Moore; Brad A. Oberhousen; Ferr Smith; Greg Snowden; Tommy Taylor; Joseph L. Warren; Jason White; Adrienne Wooten; Henry Zuber III
To find the phone number or e-mail address for the above Representatives go to
Members of Senate Judiciary, Division B
Hob Bryan, Chairman; Chris McDaniel, Vice-Chairman
Members: David Blount; Sally Doty; Angela Burks Hill; W. Briggs Hopson III; Sampson Jackson II; Perry Lee; Derrick T. Simmons; Sean J. Tindell; Gray Tollison; Giles Ward; Michael Watson; Brice Wiggins; J. P. Wilemon, Jr.
To find the phone number or e-mail address for the above Senators go to
Thank you for your help!

There has been some bits of good news!  During the Super Bowl (one of the industries most profitable weekends) women all over New Orleans were out on the streets fighting this plague and just by telling others this exists great strides were made to help fight this evil.

I disappeared from Face book for one day.  Some people missed me, I hope.  But everyday children and women go missing and never show up again.  Often they are thrown out after their usefulness is gone.  Pray for these.  Pray for those on the front lines fighting this.  Pray for yourself that you will not be so calloused that you do not care.  I will be back on face book…but I will never take my freedom for granted.

God cares about this and so should we.  Commit to pray for this and perhaps one day we can feel safe again.  Until then, watch, teach your children God’s way but also teach them to stay safe and away from strangers. 

For more information, please check out the follow sites:

Also, if you are on Face Book and from the Jackson area, go “like”

·      Metro Advocates for Freedom
·      SWAT Ministries  (Spiritual Warriors Against Trafficking)